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Autism Recovery - A Journey, Not a Destination - Tyler Bono's Story

"Tyler was born perfectly healthy October 3, 2013. He developed relatively normal for the first few months of his life. Towards the end of his first year it became evident things were not going as they should. Tyler stopped smiling for most photos, he didn’t respond to his name, and had no words by one years old. Around 15 months Tyler developed extreme eczema. It was on his hands, feet, knees, and elbows. He would literally scratch himself until he bled. We spent the next year in and out of the
pediatrician’s office, allergist office, and dermatology office trying to find him some relief. We tried every cream, lotion, wrap that we could find and nothing helped. It was also around this time Tyler was diagnosed with a slew of allergies (milk, wheat, peanuts, coconut, cats, and dogs to name a few). In an attempt to help his skin, we cut out as much of the allergenic foods as we could. Tyler also developed alot of sensory issues. He did not tolerate shoes, socks, coats, hats, or being covered with a blanket and was very sensitive to loud noises. He also rarely interacted with his brother or other children.

In early 2016, although we didn’t yet have an official Autism diagnosis, I started researching biomedical intervention. I read that not only could biomedical intervention help improve (and possibly cure) Autism, I also read that this approach could help eczema. This is how I came across Dr. Neu at Bio Energy Medical Center. Although Tyler’s pediatrician discouraged me from pursuing this treatment, I knew in my gut it was going to help. Tyler started seeing Dr. Neu in June of 2016. After testing, we saw that Tyler not only had a damaged gut but he was also was suffering from brain inflammation and a lot of vitamin deficiencies. All of these are very common for children on the spectrum. Over the next two and a half years, we slowly added various supplements and treatments. Some of these include vitamin D, Restore mineral supplement, Enhansa, vitamin B shots, omega fish oil, Spectrum Needs, and HDCs. Throughout this time, Tyler began to recover. He started to speak (first words at a little over 3 years old), he started to smile for pictures again, eye contact improved, and so did his skin. Although we did receive an official Autism diagnosis on Tyler’s 4 th birthday, it didn’t matter knowing the progress that we were witnessing.

Today, Tyler is thriving. Every day we see progress with his speech and comprehension. He loves to sing, dance, draw, and play with his brother and other children. He also has quite the sense of humor. In the fall of 2016, Tyler was in the most supported special education class but this fall he will attend a general education class with minimal support. When he was tested for Autism, he scored a 10 on the ADOS (on the spectrum) but when he was just recently re-tested, he scored a 4 (non-spectrum). His skin is also about 95% healed. Although Tyler still has a ways to go, there is not a doubt in my mind that the progress we have seen would not have happened without the help from Dr. Neu. He helped heal Tyler’s body so he could process his environment like he should. We are forever grateful."

- Devon Bono, Tyler's mother.

 *Photos submitted of Tyler Bono by his mother, Devon Bono*

Tyler Before Treatment: 


Tyler After Treatment


A huge, sincere thank you to Devon and Gregory Bono for allowing us to share Tyler's autism recovery story. Their support and dedication to Tyler's treatment are the real markers of his success. Biomedical interventions are life changing. That said, they require lifestyle changes. It is not a quick fix. There are no shortcuts. In using this type of approach, it is required to look beneath the surface to the underlying root problems that often result in the misclassified, misunderstood, dooming diagnosis of autism. 

To learn more about biomedical treatments for autism, please visit our website or call our office at 734-995-3200. 

Bethany Wojnar, EMT-B Bethany has been working with Bio Energy Medical Center since 2017. With a background in advertising and social media, she handles all things marketing along with administrative tasks. She graduated from Central Michigan University in 2014 and is certified by National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.

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